Sales and Marketing Tools
Dynamic Print GeneratorTM
Web to Print Solutions | One-step production of digital and printable communications assets.
The Dynamic Print Generator™ from Sutton Integrated creates efficiencies, improves your image and enhances the experience of website visitors.
Click here to view the DPG interactive brochure
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It seems simple enough, but why do pages from most websites print poorly? Often, text and images run off the page, content is truncated, or worse, pages print blank. For people needing web-based information printed in a useable manner, it can be a frustrating experience.
The Dynamic Print Generator (DPG), built by Sutton Integrated, is innovative technology that solves this problem. Content for the web, created inside Sutton Integrated’s easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS), can be output into a cleanly-formatted, high-resolution PDF absent of extraneous web page elements. This enhances the usability of your website, improves your customer’s experience, and elevates your organization’s brand image.
The DPG helps to reduce the cost of managing and producing digital and print-based assets. Most organizations produce content twice – once for the web and once for print. Instead, content entered once in the CMS serves both purposes, eliminating the need for specialized design software and talent, or outside agency fees for typeset print assets. Sutton Integrated creates reusable and customized output templates, and you keep the content current by making changes once in the CMS, which is kept in sync with the templates. This saves time, money and simplifies management of communications assets. Your information is always current, and you can move away from stockpiling printed assets by encouraging users of information to print-on-demand.
Automated SEDAR® Data Delivery
An innovative toolset that automates the posting of regulatory data onto IR websites.

SPOTTM by Sutton Integrated streamlines information delivery to your company’s investors.
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Your regulatory disclosure and information publication obligations are critical activities. Time spent by IR teams gathering, organizing, administering and posting regulatory information onto a company’s IR website is time taken away from deepening relationships with the investor and capital market community. Let us help you change this.
Sutton Integrated’s SPOTTM (Securities Publishing and Online Transfer) Service is a proven, robust and proprietary technology that automates the retrieval, sorting, parsing and display of regulatory data from SEDAR® onto your IR website. This ensures that regulatory information automatically appears on your website shortly after its release onto SEDAR®. It’s accurate and on time, and it eliminates manual processing. It’s that simple.
SEDAR® is a registered trademark of the Canadian Securities Administrators
Sales and Marketing Tools
Equip your company with powerful tools and technology that never go out of date.

Digital and print marketing materials by Sutton Integrated are tried and tested.
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Successful organizations are masterful at presenting and promoting their products, services and value proposition. This can’t be done without the communications and marketing assets needed to help put their best foot forward. Ask yourself this: what is the opportunity cost for your organization not having the very best sales and marketing tools available?
Many organizations struggle to build and maintain sales and marketing tools that are current, relevant and impactful. Traditional printed collateral will always have its place, but suffers from being out-of-date as soon as it goes to print. Imagine having all your sales and marketing tools current and printable when needed, and produced by a company with 30 years’ of experience helping companies communicate better.
Sutton Integrated’s approach to helping customers solve their challenge for building impactful sales and marketing tools is at the essence of what we call Communication Through Innovation™. Aided by years of design, communications and marketing expertise, and with tools such as Sutton Integrated’s Dynamic Print Generator™ technology, we provide solutions for creating always current, always live and always cost-effective online and printed collateral.
Seeing is believing. Let’s get in touch and allow Sutton Integrated to show you how to transform your sales, marketing and any other communication collateral.